Honorary Reporters Recruitment
The Embassy of the Republic of Korea is inviting all who are passionate
about producing content and have a deep appreciation for the Korean culture and
Korea itself to become honorary reporters.
As an Honorary
Reporter, you'll be invited to attend events and take part in initiatives
hosted by the Korean Embassy. You are to write about your experiences and share
them with the fellow Zimbabweans.
We also urge honorary reporters
to create your online content based on any topic of Korea-Zimbabwe relations
you are interested in, Topics include, food, culture, K-dramas, Fashion,
language, business etc. Share them via social media. The Korean Embassy
will also post your content on its homepage to share with a broader audience.
Number of Honorary Reporters
5 reporters to be selected
Specializations: We need bloggers, YouTubers, photographers, free- lance content
creators, social media managers
The reporter must be a citizen of
Ability and interest to
discover stories in Korea and willing to attend Korean Embassy events
Active presence on social media
is an added advantage
Positive interests in Korean
culture, Korean society, and Korea-Zimbabwe relations
Proficiency in writing, social
media management and video editing
Attend and either write, take
pictures or videos about the Korean Embassy activities assigned by the Honorary
Reporter Coordinator. Reports are to be told in an easy-to-read, attractive
Discover and write about
various Korea-Zimbabwe or Korea related stories E.g. stories in local
newspapers, interesting Zimbabweans with deep ties to Korea, etc. that will interest
Zimbabweans audiences
Support promotional activities
run by Korean embassy both online and offline.
All contents are to be posted
in English
Activity Period
From September 2023 to December 2023
• Cash Honorarium of USD$100 per
• Invitation to events and
receptions hosted by the Korean Embassy
• Certificate of Participation
Application Process
Fill out (see the attached
file) and submit the application form to the email visa_inquiry@mofa.or.kr
Application Period: Monday 4-8
September 2023
Announcement: Thursday14
September 2023 via email notification
Launching Ceremony at the
Embassy: Date TBC
• visa_inquiry@mofa.or.kr
• (0242) 756542-3